
She was't the only coward, though she was possibly the only one aware of her own cowarduce, because the rest of them thought of life as a 'pointless excise' and confused fear with gererosity.

Playing the part of a charitable soul was only for those who were afraid of taking a stand in life.
It is always far easier to have faith in your own goodness than to confront others and fight for your rights.
It is always to hear an insult and not retaliate than have the courage to fight back against someone stronger than yourself; we can always say we're not hurt by stones other throw at us, and it's only at night - when we're alone and our wife or our husband or our schoolfriend is asleep - that we can silently grieve over our own cowardice.

'There are two kinds of idiots - those who don't take action because they have received a threat, and those who they are taking action because they have issued a threat.'

'Ahab really understood human nature: it isn't the desire to abide by the law that makes everyone behave as society requires, but the fear of punishment. Each one of us carries a gallows inside us.'

At that moment, a friendly, companionable voice told him that he was not alone, that everything that had happened to him had a purpuse, which was to show that each person's destiny is pre-ordained.
Tragedy always happens, and nothing we do can alter by one jot the evil that awaits us.
這個和 "在天堂遇見的五個人" 的說法有異曲同工之妙

'There is no such thing as Good: virtue is simply one of the many faces of terror,' the voice said. 'When man understands that, he will realise that this world is just a little joke played on him by God.'
下面舉了個例子 有一個完美的父親正在海灘上忙著打包 幫他的小孩穿上溫暖的衣服
他想要和他的秘書搞外遇 但礙於害怕他太太的反應
她的妻子想要自己去工作 經濟獨力 但礙於害怕她先生的反應
小孩循規蹈矩 因為害怕會受到處罰....

    The Devil & Miss Prym

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